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The following blog articles are also referenced in these archived newsletters:

Back issues prior to January 2009 are also available.


  • The Power Of A Hot Drink - hot drinks have magical powers: they fill up your tummy while jump-starting your metabolism at the same time.
  • Roast Your Veggies - roasting veggies is a great way to enjoy delicious, flavorful vegetables without having to add any extra butter or oil.  Simply cut up vegetables, place on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and roast at 350 degrees for at least 30 minutes.
  • Drink Hot Chocolate - I never met a chocolate I didn't like so if you're like me and cravin...
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    Categories: health weight loss


    There's more than one reason to look forward to summer.  In addition to sunshine, warm temperatures and vacations, we tend to get sick less.  Turns out our genes change with the seasons, just like the weather.

    There's a reason why colds are named as such.  During the winter months, our bodies pump up the levels of many of the genes linked with inflammation, triggering the tell-tale signs of swelling and discomfort that our bodies use to protect us from colds and flu.

    In the summer, an altogethe...
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    Categories: health wellness
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