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Five Easy Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting


  • The Power Of A Hot Drink - hot drinks have magical powers: they fill up your tummy while jump-starting your metabolism at the same time.
  • Roast Your Veggies - roasting veggies is a great way to enjoy delicious, flavorful vegetables without having to add any extra butter or oil.  Simply cut up vegetables, place on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and roast at 350 degrees for at least 30 minutes.
  • Drink Hot Chocolate - I never met a chocolate I didn't like so if you're like me and craving chocolate: try drinking a hot chocolate instead.  It will satisfy your craving, fill you up more than a chocolate bar, and with less calories to boot.
  • Eat Nuts - Nuts are a great snack!  They're rich in protein and fiber, and just a few nuts can go a long way to calming a growling tummy.  Hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, and cashews are great options.  Just be sure to limit yourself since they're also high in calories and fat.
  • Smell The Roses - did you know that you can calm a craving for food with aromatherapy?  Certain scents like lavender, rose, and honey have proven calming effects.  Orange and rosemary are great if you need energizing.  Next time you feel a hunger pang, take a deep breath from a naturally scented candle or essential oils before reaching for the potato chips.
  • Categories: health weight loss

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